Beyond Expectations.
Nothing ever happened in my life which I can say, was beyond expectations. I was an average student, an average player, volunteer, friend.
All over, I was an average person. And I was happy being that up until one day a person in my life made me realize that mediocrity has no respect. That person was my father.
He told me the definition of life, be extraordinary in that crowd of ordinary.
That is when I thought to myself. Actually, I have always been. I never had best friends, I was never someone’s first choice. I was never the priority. I’m special, I’m extraordinary. I don’t have to prove that.
I just have to realize that. The important thing here is not to compare yourself with that crowd. The important thing is to realize that you are different from that crowd.
You were never mediocre and you can get everything beyond expectation just with a little hard work, self-confidence, and lots of hope.